A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history
Charles Yuen
Charles Yuen
Welcome to artasiamerica

artasiamerica is a professional digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary visual artists. It is a historical image & document archive specialized in Asian American visual culture from 1945 to the present. READ MORE

The AAAC is located on Norfolk St above Delancey Street near the Williamsburg Bridge ramp. This location holds approximately 10% of our physical archive. The physical archive is accessible to those who would like to visit AAAC. Our contact information can be found on the Contact Page.

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A chronology of all AAAC exhibitions has been posted to sync with and amplify artasiamerica.

Added in September of 2019, this feature can be found on our main website in Artspiral.org - Past Exhibitions - Timeline.  Through the lens of AAAC's history and agendas, you can search this chronological listing to access documents, flyers and images in artasiamerica, essays on AAAC's blog, and other historical sources through links under the "Learn more" section of each exhibition.

This feature offers viewers the capability to see the larger picture, the context of any one artist, any one exhibition within the overview of AAAC's  exhibition years.

Stay updated on Facebook, Flickr, and our Blog.