A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history

Hom, Mei-Ling

Other Names: Mei, Ling size= size= size=

Artist Website

"The conceptual issues of my artmaking are based on my ideas of cultural space. For me, cultural space is revealed through a culture's architecture, its manipulated landscape, its material objects, and its rituals whether festive or ceremonial, which underscore that culture's inherent values.

My recent installations are physical memories and interpretations of cultural spaces which describe my life suspended between the Chinese and American cultures. To grow up in an inward looking Chinese home surrounded by the outgoing individual freedom of 20th century America had evolved into a respectful suppression of one set of cultural values while in the presence of the other. Through my artmaking I hope to resolve the conflict of a hyphenated cultural identity and to gain a deeper understanding that may give my American artmaking a resonance of my Chinese heritage.

My artmaking however is not limited to my Chinese American experience. For me it is equally important to know the other Asian immigrant stories in order to assess the complexity of Asian cultures in America, and thereby establish a context in which to locate my own Chinese American identity."

Mei-ling Hom, Artist Statement

Gallery of Selected Works