A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history

Essay "James K. Y. Kuo: The Artist in the Classroom" by James H. Bunn from exhibition catalog, James Kuo, 1997


5 pages
8.5x9.75 inches (h x w x d)

MLA Citation

Bunn, James H. "The Artist in the Classroom." James Kuo. New York: Partners' Press. 1997.
James K. Y. Kuo: An Intimate View, essay, title page
The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 1
The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 2
The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 3
The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 4
Source: Catalog
Title page of catalog
James K. Y. Kuo: An Intimate View, essay, title page The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 1 The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 2 The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 3 The Artist in the Classroom, essay, pg 4