A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history

Excerpt from Exhibition Catalog "Altar Para Mi Muerte Altar of My Passing," 2015


"My altar, "Offerings," honors the gifts I'd been blessed to offer in this life--the poetry and the art I have created, the communities I've brought together, whatever compassion I've shown to others and for the earth itself. The piece has my silkscreen, my sculpture, my children's book art, my poetry, and my mandala-making represented, as well as Green Tara's energy and embrace. If my deeds can touch the heart of another person, my spirit will be fulfilled. To have inspired someone is the greatest honor for me."

-Nancy Hom, from "Altar Para Mi Muerte" exhibition catalog, 2015

1 pages
11x8.5 inches (h x w x d)

MLA Citation

Altar Para Mi Muerte Altar of My Passing. Oakland: Studio Grand, 2015: 6.
Nancy Hom Excerpt
Source: Catalog