A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history


90x456 inches (h x w x d)
silkscreened mural on canvas

Created to memorialize the discovery of the African Burial Ground, a landmark site located at 290 Broadway in Manhattan. Commissioned by the US General Services Administration Art in Architecture Program for the Federal Office Building.

"'Renewal' celebrates the historic discovery of the African Burial Ground and pays tribute to the contribution that African Americans have made to the building of New York. The mural is a way to tell the true story of the history of this city, which was built on the lives and labor of enslaved Africans. Images in the mural span a time period in colonial New York from the 1600's to 1827, a period that covers the recorded existence of the African Burial Ground (from 1712 to 1792), Dutch and British colonial rule, the American Revolution and the emancipation of the slaves in new York in 1827."


canvas; paint


graphic arts
Source: Slide