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Materials and Techniques: tempera on paper
Subjects: birds (animals); aves (class); blood (animal material); color; crows; heads (representations); knives; landscapes (representations); symbols
Local Subjects: demons; Kim, Hae Yuon
Materials and Techniques: tempera on paper
Subjects: blood (animal material); fantasy; flames; flora (plants); flowers (plants); heads (representations); men (male humans); symbols; women
Local Subjects: beasts; body; Kim, Hae Yuon; surrender
Materials and Techniques: oil on canvas
Subjects: blood (animal material); gender issues; knives; nudity; sexuality; women
Local Subjects: body; femininity; Huang, Arlan; power
Materials and Techniques: linoleum block print
Subjects: blood (animal material); deaths; philosophy; reincarnation
Local Subjects: body; Johnson, Indira Freitas; spirituality
Materials and Techniques: High definition display, stereo sound installation
Subjects: blood (animal material); infants; motion; red
Local Subjects: body; Liou, Jawshing Arthur