A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history

Essay "between structural clarity and obscurity" by Yongdae Kim from exhibition catalog, John Pai, 2003


Exhibition catalog for "John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space" at the Rodin Gallery, Seoul, from Mar. 14-May 18, 2003.

7 pages
9.5x8.8 inches (h x w x d)

MLA Citation

Kim, Yongdae. "between structural clarity and obscurity." John Pai. Seoul: Rodin Gallery, 2003: 14-19.
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 14
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 15
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 16
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 17
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 18
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 19
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, cover page
Source: Catalog
John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 14 John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 15 John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 16 John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 17 John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 18 John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, pp. 19 John Pai Sculpture: Poetics of Space, cover page