A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history

Essay "Chee Wang Ng: Eaten Your Fill of Rice?" by Jonathan Goodman from catalog, Eaten Your Fill of Rice?, 2004


2 pages
9.5x9 inches (h x w x d)

MLA Citation

Goodman, Jonathan. "Chee Wang Ng: Eaten Your Fill of Rice?." Eaten Your Fill of Rice?. Des Moines: Godavaya LLC, 2004: 10-11.
Chee Wang Ng: Eaten Your Fill of Rice?, essay, pg 1
Chee Wang Ng: Eaten Your Fill of Rice?, essay, pg 2
Source: Catalog
Chee Wang Ng: Eaten Your Fill of Rice?, essay, pg 1 Chee Wang Ng: Eaten Your Fill of Rice?, essay, pg 2