A digital archive of Asian/Asian American contemporary art history

Results for "" in Works

Searching for Works/Documents which meet the following criteria:

  • Has any of Materials: vinyl

Results 1 through 4 of 4

  1. Chink Chink (Work) by Chang, Jackie (1980)

    Materials and Techniques: sculpture

    Subjects: race (concept); racial discrimination; restaurants

    Local Subjects: Chang, Jackie

  2. For White I, Soul For White I, Soul (Work) by Fiero, Columbia (1993)

    Materials and Techniques: oil on paper towel

    Local Subjects: Columbia Fiero

  3. Cell Cell (Work) by Hsu, Ti Shan (1987)

    Materials and Techniques: mixed media

    Subjects: Hsu, Tishan

  4. Untitled Untitled (Work) by Tse, Shirley (1996)

    Materials and Techniques: mixed media sculpture

    Subjects: pictographs; three-dimensional

    Local Subjects: Tse, Shirley