Results for "" in Works
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Materials and Techniques: color woodcut
Subjects: Moy, Seong
Materials and Techniques: color woodcut
Subjects: bicycles; bicyclists; Moy, Seong; races (events)
Materials and Techniques: color woodcut
Subjects: horseback riding; Moy, Seong
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen
Subjects: collages (visual works); Moy, Seong; religions (concept); Taoism
Materials and Techniques: color relief print
Subjects: collages (visual works); Moy, Seong
Local Subjects: freedom
Materials and Techniques: etching
Subjects: Hashmi, Zarina; fathers; home (concept); mountains
Materials and Techniques: woodcut on Okawara paper
Subjects: Hashmi, Zarina; Baghdad (inhabited place); language (verbal communication); maps; wars
Materials and Techniques: carved wood and acrylic
Subjects: language (verbal communication); letters (signs); seals
Local Subjects: Fung, Ming Chip; yin yang
Materials and Techniques: viscosity etching
Subjects: animals; Bose, Arun; Nature; primitivism (artistic concept)
Materials and Techniques: viscosity etching
Subjects: Bose, Arun; space (composition concept)
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Subjects: celebration
Local Subjects: Chu, Adela; Cinco de Mayo; Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Subjects: children (people by age group); mothers
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Local Subjects: femininity; Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy; tranquility
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Subjects: children (people by age group); mothers
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Subjects: ; speeches
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Subjects: birds (animals); aves (class); beaches; children (people by age group); Hiroshima (inhabited place); violence; wars
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy
Materials and Techniques: silkscreen on paper
Local Subjects: Hom, Nancy